Product Description

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Most BFM® fitting connectors can be made as a 'tapered' option, where the diameter of one end is bigger than the other.  Where there is no possibility of installing two identical-diameter spigots, a taper is a perfect solution.

  • Tapered connectors can be used to reduce the pipe size to direct product into a smaller pipe. A larger diameter pipe can transition into a smaller diameter pipe to reduce flow rate or control flow rate properties. (See 'Hoppers' below)

  • Tapers can help reduce wear on connector walls. If you have a small diameter inlet pipe at the top and transition it to a larger diameter outlet pipe below, this allows your product to flow through with minimal contact with the connector walls.

  • Tapered connectors provide a better compression option than standard connectors when used on equipment with limited space for vertical moment. By having different diameters for the inlet and outlet, when the vertical movement compresses a tapered connector, the smaller end 'nests' inside the larger diameter end and therefore takes up less space. (Not recommended for constant, regular compressions however ie. more than once an hour)


Key Features
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Can be used in applications where you have mismatched pipe diameters

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Can be used as a hopper in applications where visibility of product flow is required

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Ideal for use with abrasive or hot product to avoid connector wall contact


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Physical properties
Can be applied to
Seeflex 040E Connector, Seeflex 040AS Connector, Seeflex 020E Connector, Seeflex 060ES Connector, Kevlar Cover, Blackout Cover, LM3 Connector, LM4 Connector, Teflex Woven Connector, and Blanking Bin / Sock.
Available Diameters
  • Ø100mm (4"),
  • Ø125mm (5"),
  • Ø150mm (6") through to Ø1,650mm (65") in 50mm (2") increments.

 (Max. for Tool Release is 650mm)

Applicable Connector Lengths
  • Min: 100mm (4").
  • Max: Varies depending on material and diameter differential.
Available with SS Rings? (min. length for all is 150mm)
Available with Plastic Rings? (min. length for all is 150mm)
Available as Tool Release?
Quick Access Port Option?

Product Options

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  • Tool Release
  • Quick Access Port
Tool Release


Tool Release- 300 x 200pxFor added security, this option has a significantly firmer snap-band that makes it virtually impossible to remove by hand and requires a specially shaped tool.


Quick Access Port


Quick access port-Seeflex 040E-angled hand-no spigotsA 56mm polyurethane thread 'port hole' with a stainless steel screw-in plug that is added to the wall of the connector. 

Allows fast, easy access to product flow for testing, sampling or adding small-volume ingredients.


Getting Started with BFM® fittings

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Get in touch with one of our local Authorized BFM® fitting Distributors to help find the right solution for you. They will help work through what you want to achieve and how BFM® fitting can improve your plant.

Tapered Connector Applications

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Tapered Connectors as Hoppers

Large tapered connectors can double as feed hoppers to steadily dispense your material, preventing your production line from getting overwhelmed. 

Companies that process granular products such as tea, coffee or cereals will understand the complications of handling large quantities of produce at once. Production line equipment is manufactured to handle only a set volume of material at any given time so infeed control is essential.

A tapered connector hopper allows visibility and control over the product being fed into your line and helps ensure that your downstream equipment is working at maximum efficiency.

BFM® tapered connector used on sifter inlets and outlets making frosting/icing
Tapered Connector in Baking
BFM® tapered connector used on sifter inlets and outlets making frosting/icing.
Tapered Connector for Cleaning

Using the snap-fit BFM® fitting connectors means they're fast and easy to remove for cleaning

Tips and Guides

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For some useful technical tips and information get you started with selecting the BFM® fitting system.

Installation Process

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Helpful information for the entire installation process, from measuring up for the initial welding of your spigots to snap-fitting your connectors.

Contact Us

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If you would like to discuss your unique application, please contact us and we'll help find a solution for you.